Monday, December 17, 2007

Thing #15 Social Networking Library

Should VBPL be a part of the online social networking scene? Hmmm...

I'm not so sure. Do people want to be in touch with the library in this kind of format? Would I want to "friend" my library?

There are libraries out there that have successfully delved into MySpace and seem to be benefiting from the involvement. Denver Public's Evolver and Hennepin County's MySpace page both seem to be thriving in the volatile world of teenage online relationships. I would be curious to know what kind of practical benefits the library systems are reaping frpm the maintenance of the website. If you'd like a little more insight into the benefits/costs of libraries involved with MySpace let me recommend two classmates who recently wrote reports studying this phenomenon.

On the flip side the staff time commitment would be minimal and the benefits could be substantial. Find a small team of two or three people who already have MySpace accounts, give them a couple of hours to create a snazzy looking site and then pull content from other sources to fill in the holes. If we ever get a blog (Hint!) then the posts could be put in two different places to maximize exposure.

At this point I wonder if we should let go of the MySpace idea and turn attention towards Facebook. Isn't everyone on the move to the next cool thing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Practical benefits? We have found it to be a great way to reach out to teens that aren't already using the library and also to facilitate teen involvement for teens that are...we have a committee of teens that has helped design the Library's MySpace account. Since launching OurLibrary earlier this year, the Contra Costa County Library's MySpace profile, we have had nothing but positive experiences to report.