Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thing #10 Let's go find some feeds!

Technorati is a blog hotspot. Want to find a post on a certain subject or browse the hot blog topics? Technorati is a good place to be. You can also register your own blog with this site, adding a description and tags to help bring your site more traffic. While searching around I noticed that you can also find related videos that touch on your topic of choice.

Topix.net: Too happening of a place for me. There must be about a thousand different clickable places on the frontpage alone! Though if you are really interested in people's comments about a certain popular topic you can chime in with your own thoughts and engage in thoughtful debate. Or be cyber-bullied. Either way something is always going on here at Topix.

Most of the feeds I subscribe to I have found through other people's blogs. Here's how it works. First you find a site where the content sits well with you. This could be a library blog or World of Warcraft website, anything that may interest you. If it is a blog then the author has probably put in their sidebar some of the other blogs they like to read. Most likely you will find some other sites that appeal to you. Alternatively you can look at the comments on a post and check out people's sites who have left intriguing feedback. Subscribe away!


Anonymous said...

I agree that Technorati is the best of the sites we were given to explore. I don't know what's going on with the others, but they were a little too link-happy for me!

I also find feeds through other people's blogs, either ones I visit regularly or through comments--I've found some of my favorites that way. :)

Matthew R said...

Yes Tiffany I also find feeds through other people's blogs. Its such a nice way to discover other sites that may offer interesting content.